由 yrigahama 添加于 2024-10-19 16:15:07
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Version: 1.01
Release Date: September 19, 2024
Thank you for downloading "HAPPY SAIN† SHEOL Uncut DLC".
Please be sure to read the instructions on how to apply this DLC content to "HAPPY SAIN† SHEOL Uncut DLC".
PLEASE NOTE: This patch only works on the Steam release of "HAPPY SAIN† SHEOL Uncut DLC".
・Locate the installation directory for "HAPPY SAIN† SHEOL Uncut DLC".
・Back up files as some may get overwritten.
・Copy the contents of the rar file to the /game directory.
Some Things To Note:
・Due to the structure of the game, it's entirely possible that some scenes may not properly unlock when applying the DLC content update. It's recommended to start your playthrough only after you've applied the DLC content update.
・To remove the DLC, copy back over the originally backed up files.
For questions regarding this software, please visit our support site at https://support.sekaiproject.com/
Sekai Project
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- 存档类下载后解压缩到游戏安装路径下相关文件夹,覆盖同名文件即可!安全起见我们建议您备份原文件。
- 免CD/DVD补丁类如果无特别使用说明,下载后解压缩到游戏安装目录下运行即可。
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