从画面中出来的我推Vtuber的同居生活 新作抽奖活动 | 古人云 一个月体验套餐兑换券


大小:4.23 MB

yrigahama 添加于 2024-09-23 21:25:48

安全评估: 安全 扫描报告



Unzip into the folder you installed Shiny Days to, overwriting the existing files.

This fixes:
Minami ending - New ending credits made. Crash is also fixed
Route map nodes fixed and progress percentage recalculated
Missing splash screens added.
Story Route bug fixed (for Kokoro Bad End)
Wrong uniform display in Inori route fixed.
Minor text errors fixed.

This patch does not fix a bug related to saving your game. This can be fixed by either running Shiny Days as an Administrator or updating the permissions of the Shiny Days install directory to allow for saving of data.

General Game Stability:
Problems related to driver, graphics card, codec and engine anomalies may still exist on certain systems. If you are experiencing these problems it is recommended you try any/all of the following:

change your graphics card settings
install 3rd-party video codecs
run the game in Windows 7 compatibility mode



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  • 存档类下载后解压缩到游戏安装路径下相关文件夹,覆盖同名文件即可!安全起见我们建议您备份原文件。
  • 免CD/DVD补丁类如果无特别使用说明,下载后解压缩到游戏安装目录下运行即可。
  • 本站资源全部采用 WinRAR v5.0 版压缩,下载后不能解压请安装 WinRAR v5.0+。
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